APLC Chinese New Year Celebration

In conjunction with the Chinese New Year festival, APLC organised a colourful Chinese New Year event which took place in Auditorium 1, APIIT recently. It was an event filled with exciting games and performances by none other than the wonderful students of APLC. The event was organised by Ms. Saskia and Ms. Nur Faheemah with the help of other teachers who put up a tremendous effort to make the event a success. 
The event started off with a surprise flash mob by Level Two (Group 2) students to capture the audience’s attention and as a gimmick to the celebration. The flash mob performed by 14 students from various countries who danced to a famous Chinese song managed to boost the Chinese New Year atmosphere in the auditorium. During the event, two students (Mohd Amir and Gao Yiqi) presented in the background. They beautifully provided some insights on this wonderful celebration around the world. To spice up the event, the audience was also entertained by delightful performances presented by APLC students.
Besides the event being filled with performances, fun games were also prepared to inculcate the different Chinese New Year elements. The games conducted were Peeling Oranges using One Hand, Chopstick Game and Zodiac Charade.
During the orange peeling game, students were put into two groups, male and female with an orange placed on the table in front each student. On the count of three, students had to use one hand to remove the plastic off the orange and peel off its skin. The crowd cheered exuberantly as students competitively tried to win the game. The Chopsticks Game was one of the highlights of the event. A high-spirited crowd watched over two groups of students desperately trying to move five different pieces of items from one table to another. The items included a paperclip, a peanut, an orange, a peg and a piece of string. Students were divided into groups according to their skills of using chopsticks. Hence, they were on par with their challengers. Through this game, students who were not used to using chopsticks were able to challenge themselves in using the tool to win the game. Last but not least, the onlookers had a lot of fun watching the Zodiac Charade as they got to see their friends acting out the different Chinese zodiacs. The game challenged students’ creativity and vocabulary in order for them to emerge a winner.  All participants enjoyed themselves and did their best in each game they participated.
It was a great pleasure that the auditorium was filled with cheers and laughter till the end of the event. All in all it was apparent that students were also highly entertained by all the activities held. It was a good day as everyone had so much fun together. The objective of the event was successfully achieved.