Master of Technology Management

APU-DMU Dual Degree Programme

Students who are under Masters Degree Programme will have the option to opt-in for the APU-DMU Dual Degree Scheme. Under this Scheme, students will receive 2 Degree Certificates & Transcripts upon graduation: 1 from Asia Pacific University (APU), Malaysia and 1 from De Montfort University (DMU), UK.

To know more about APU-DMU Dual Scheme, please click HERE.

Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU) receives perfect 5-Stars on Online Learning in the latest QS Stars Rating System

This programme is specifically designed to provide:

  • An opportunity to understand and appreciate the combination of technology with management.
  • A platform to produce capable managers who can effectively manage the dynamic changes that technology makes at all levels.
  • An understanding of the needs of management in decision-making.
  • An overall appreciation of the manner in which an organisation’s strategic business plan drives its technology strategy and infrastructure.

 Click HERE for more information on APU Masters Degree Scholarship


You have the exciting opportunity of enrolling for the APU-CMI Dual Accreditation by registering for a qualification through APU. Students under Master of Technology Management will have the option to also opt-in for a CMI L7 Certificate in Strategic Management and Leadership Practice which will be awarded subject to moderation by CMI.

Full Time:
1+ years

Malaysian Fees:
RM 34, 800.00

International Fees:
RM 38, 800.00

Total: Malaysian - RM 34,800 | International - RM 38,800

• 20 Jan 2025
• 12 May 2025
• 25 Aug 2025
• 15 Dec 2025

* Only available in full-time study mode

Asia Pacific University, Malaysia

• Bachelor’s degree in related fields with a minimum CGPA of 2.50, or its equivalent qualification as accepted by the Senate.

• Bachelor’s degree in related fields with a minimum CGPA of 2.00 and not meeting a CGPA of 2.50 can be accepted, subject to a rigorous internal assessment.

• Bachelor’s degree in non-related fields with a minimum CGPA of 2.00 as accepted by the Senate and with relevant working experience, subject to a rigorous internal assessment.

• Bachelor’s degree in non-related fields with a minimum CGPA of 2.00 as accepted by the Senate and without relevant working experience, subject to passing pre-requisite courses.

Please note that under Ministry of Higher Education regulations, only students who have achieved the minimum requirement in the English Language proficiency assessment as indicated above will be allowed to continue their studies in the main study programme. Students who do not have the required English Language achievement may apply for a student visa on conditional basis and are allowed to enrol in an English Language Certification programme at APU upon arrival in Malaysia and, subsequently, appear for the IELTS/TOEFL/PTE/MUET assessment.
Students who are unable to obtain the required level of English Competency during the maximum 12 months’ period, will not be allowed to pursue their studies in the main programme and will have to return to their home country.

Students from English speaking countries and those with qualifications taught in English (previous Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree taught in English) are exempted from English requirements. Applications for exemption must be accompanied by supporting documents.

Note: The above entry requirements may differ for specific programmes based on the latest programme standards published by Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA).

The programme comprises of 8 core modules (including Research Methodology module), 2 elective modules and a project. The modules take into consideration issues of quality, management of innovation and technological change. In addition, internationalisation and global perspectives are considered and focus is given to strategic management in order to enhance the coherence of the programme.

Pre-Requisite Modules
(For non-business students: Duration: 1 month (Full-time))
  • Managing People
  • Understanding Customers
  • Managerial Finance
  • Business Environment & Strategic Planning

Core Modules
  • Managing Creativity and Innovation
  • Business Intelligence Systems
  • New Product Development & Innovation
  • Statistical Decision Making
  • Research Methodology in Computing and Engineering
  • Technology Management
  • Technology, Culture and People : A Global Perspective
  • Entrepreneurship in Asia
  • Project

Elective Modules (Choose 1)*
  • Digital Execution OR Data Management
  • Strategic Marketing Management OR Marketing and Sustainability in the Age of Globalisation

* Elective modules may be pre-selected for students at the beginning of the semester. If students wish to change these pre-selected elective modules, they can choose from the available modules offered in the semester OR among the intensive delivery modules – however such changes may prolong the study duration.

You are required to complete industry-based major projects where possible, however the emphasis must be placed on an effective demonstration of how the application of computer-related technology can be part of the business environment. It is expected that the project would devise, recommend or implement innovative solutions to the problem areas.

On successful completion of this programme, you will be able to :

  • Demonstrate professional competencies in one or more specialist branches of Technology Management.
  • Draw upon the body of theoretical and technical knowledge available and be able to use this to professional advantage.
  • Communicate effectively in technical and professional environments.
  • Show initiative and independence of thought in technical project planning and design.
  • Appreciate how an efficient technology-based infrastructure is a key factor in enabling a business to gain a competitive edge.
  • Illustrate how technology can support strategies to enhance corporate goals.
  • Critically analyse, design and evaluate possible developments in a specialised area of discipline in order to further the knowledge and understanding of a technology management environment.

This programme is geared towards graduates from technical programmes such as engineering and computer science who wish to master managerial skills that are relevant to their background. This programme also appeals to non-technical managers and executives who are increasingly required to manage technology and technical personnel as part of their managerial responsibilities. Graduates seeking senior management careers in high technology or technology intensive businesses are also encouraged to enroll in this programme.

  • Business IT Consultant
  • BPR Manager
  • Business Strategy Consultant
  • Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
  • Chief Information Officer (CIO)
  • Product Manager
  • IT Manager
  • IT Project Manager
  • IT Consultant
  • System Analyst
  • Technology Consultant